manifestation journaling prompts

Manifestation Journaling Prompts for Powerful Change

Manifestation, or as it is sometimes called, the Law of Attraction, has gained popularity over the past few years. The idea that we can manifest our boldest dreams through mindset and spiritual work is a powerful notion, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start.

This article explores how to connect to your vision and manifest it through the powerful technique of journaling. Use these manifestation journaling prompts in order to provide clarity and focus. 

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is the practice of making the intangible (thoughts, feelings, ideas and dreams) a reality. When we manifest, we call in our desires through the power of visualisation, affirmations, hypnosis, and many other practices. 

The basic premise of manifestation is that we each have the power to shape our own reality, rather than always being at the mercy of external forces. When you get clear on what you want your life to look like, take inspired action towards making this a reality, and learn to trust that everything will unfold perfectly, magical things happen!

How does manifestation work?

I personally believe that manifestation happens at every moment. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions all work together to shape our current situation. Therefore, the quality of your thoughts, feelings, and actions determine the quality of your life. 

This doesn’t mean that you need to banish negative thoughts or feelings. In fact, difficult thoughts and feelings can offer us the greatest opportunity for growth. They can show us where we need to do more work, and where we might still be experiencing blocks. 

I also believe that manifestation happens when self worth is high, and when we get clear about why we want to manifest the things that desire. If you don’t feel worthy on a deep level, then the chances are you won’t feel worthy of manifesting your wildest dreams. This is why I believe self love and self acceptance are the basis of all manifestation techniques.

Why is journaling so effective?

Journaling is a powerful tool that helps develop self awareness. Numerous studies show that journaling can help reduce stress, alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, and combat overthinking. 

Journaling helps us identify what we really think and feel about situations. When we write down our thoughts and feelings, it provides a level of clarity that we wouldn’t experience if we kept our thoughts circulating in the mind. As you begin writing, don’t be surprised if unexpected thoughts and feelings rise to the surface. This is a really great sign that you are beginning to process deeper emotions. 

Journaling also provides an opportunity to be creative, especially if we are journaling about manifestation. If you’re specifically manifesting abundance and wealth, check out this article for more manifestation journaling prompts. 

Manifestation tips 

  1. Get clear on what you want to manifest. 
  2. Focus on the feelings you want to cultivate.
  3. Dream big! Don’t let doubts and fears get in the way.
  4. Practice gratitude as if your manifestations have already materialised. 
  5. Surrender your manifestations and trust that they will materialise at the perfect time. 
  6. Don’t get too attached to the outcome. Something better might be on its way!
  7. Keep developing self-awareness through meditation, journaling, affirmations, or any other practice that resonates with you. 
  8. Keep developing your sense of self worth so you feel worthy of your dreams. 

Manifestation journaling prompts 

Use these manifestation journaling prompts to help you get clear on what you want to manifest and also help create magnetism around your manifestations. 

Take your time with each one and make sure you are in a space where you won’t be distributed. You might also want to meditate before or after to really help you tune into your deepest desires. 

For clarity: The Manifestation List 

This is a really fun exercise! For this journaling exercise, you need to write down everything you wish to manifest. Begin with big things (a relationship, a new car, to move abroad) and for each point get really clear on exactly what you want to manifest. Make sure it’s written in the first person present tense. Here’s an example: 

I am working for a fantastic company in a new role which I absolutely love. I have great relationships with my colleagues, I earn £10,000 more than my previous role, I have a great work life balance, and I genuinely love what I do. 

For each point in your list, make sure you include as much detail as possible. You can also include the smaller things you’d like to manifest, for example, a beautiful dress, or a new laptop. 

For self worth: The Worthiness Checklist 

Now you’ve got clear on what you would like to manifest, you need to answer these questions honestly. As I mentioned before, if your self worth is low, then there will be a greater space between you and your manifestations. For each item on your manifestation list, answer the following questions:

  1. Do I feel wholeheartedly worthy of this?
  2. If the answer is no, why don’t you feel worthy?
  3. What do you think this hasn’t manifested already?
  4. What small actions can you take to show you are worthy?
  5. Complete this affirmation for each item on the list: “I decide from this moment onwards that I am fully worthy of ‘insert manifestation here’. I release any blocks or limiting beliefs and clear any doubts from my mind. I am worthy.” 

For magnetism: The Magical Details

You have gotten clear on what you want to manifest and worked to raise your self worth. Now it’s time to start focusing on how each manifestation would make you feel. When we begin to visualise the details and cultivate positive feelings, we draw our manifestation even closer to us. For each item on your manifestation list, answer the following questions: 

  1. How would this make you feel on a daily basis? List 3 feelings. 
  2. What would your day look like if this manifested? List 3 details. 
  3. How would this impact your confidence and happiness if this manifested? List 3 further feelings or examples. 

Final thoughts

Journaling is a powerful tool that is excellent for manifestation. Use the above manifestation journaling prompts to get clear on what you want to manifest, raise your self worth, and focus on the feelings of the manifestation already existing.

Know that you are an infinite being full of infinite potential, and you absolutely can shape your life as you please. Have you considered using journaling for manifestation? I’d love to know your thoughts!

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